That's right...I'm still around. I'd say I will try and update this blog more frequently (that is to say, at all), but I think we all know that won't be the case.
Anyway, I will try and update this blog more frequently ;)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Keep on keepin' on...
Hello again out there in the intarwebs...
So, I figured it was time for an update, as it's been over a month since my last posting.
It has been a fairly eventful time. I moved into a new apartment, and in the process acquired a roommate for the first time. She has a cat, so this is a bunch of firsts. So far, so good...even if she constantly asks if she's annoying me ;)
This past weekend, we hosted a 4th of July party, and it went pretty well. Grilled some burgers and hot dogs, played some Wii and watched the fireworks show from the country club across the street. Good times had by all.
My nieces visited up here last week, so it was good to see them. I'm afraid my oldest niece's thumbs will fall off from all the texting she does on her new cell phone, but that's for her to figure out.
It hasn't all been good since my last update. My girlfriend and I broke was just figured that we weren't in a position to have a real relationship. It was an amicable break up for the most part, and we're still good friends. It was tough on me for awhile, because she's really great...but I'm feeling okay about it now, and am ready to move on towards the future.
Back to some good stuff...I was able to get some tickets for the midnight premiere showing of The Dark Knight at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum's IMAX theater. That's gonna be hot...can't wait for that. Batman is, plain and simple, the best superhero ever, and don't let anyone tell you different. Early reviews have been outstanding, and I expect it to be a fantastic movie.
Football is almost here! I'm really looking forward to this season, as both the Gators and Jaguars are looking good for the upcoming campaign. The Jags play a preseason game up here in Washington, so I'll be going to that one. They also play their final game of the season in Baltimore, and I'll try to get up to that one as well.
Guess that's about it for now...if I think of something else, I'll be sure to post about it in another month.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
So, I figured it was time for an update, as it's been over a month since my last posting.
It has been a fairly eventful time. I moved into a new apartment, and in the process acquired a roommate for the first time. She has a cat, so this is a bunch of firsts. So far, so good...even if she constantly asks if she's annoying me ;)
This past weekend, we hosted a 4th of July party, and it went pretty well. Grilled some burgers and hot dogs, played some Wii and watched the fireworks show from the country club across the street. Good times had by all.
My nieces visited up here last week, so it was good to see them. I'm afraid my oldest niece's thumbs will fall off from all the texting she does on her new cell phone, but that's for her to figure out.
It hasn't all been good since my last update. My girlfriend and I broke was just figured that we weren't in a position to have a real relationship. It was an amicable break up for the most part, and we're still good friends. It was tough on me for awhile, because she's really great...but I'm feeling okay about it now, and am ready to move on towards the future.
Back to some good stuff...I was able to get some tickets for the midnight premiere showing of The Dark Knight at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum's IMAX theater. That's gonna be hot...can't wait for that. Batman is, plain and simple, the best superhero ever, and don't let anyone tell you different. Early reviews have been outstanding, and I expect it to be a fantastic movie.
Football is almost here! I'm really looking forward to this season, as both the Gators and Jaguars are looking good for the upcoming campaign. The Jags play a preseason game up here in Washington, so I'll be going to that one. They also play their final game of the season in Baltimore, and I'll try to get up to that one as well.
Guess that's about it for now...if I think of something else, I'll be sure to post about it in another month.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Vera Lee Baker (1919 - 2008)
Wednesday, May 14, my grandmother passed away in Orange Park, FL, at the age of 88. Her friends called her Vera, her children called her sister and I called her Grandma Bill. The story behind that? Her father called her Bill, and her sister Till (actual name was Luatha). Why he did that? I'm not sure, but I'll check on that one and update when I find out.
She was your standard southern grandmother...loved to cook. Had a house outside Orlando, FL, in a small town called Ocoee. It would get intensely hot, especially back in the kitchen when the cooking was going on (which was pretty much at all times). The only air conditioning to be had in the place was in her bedroom, so that's where I would hide out between meals when I was visiting.
She and my grandfather were separated when my father was a teenager. Times were tough back dad was able to get away from it and go on to develop the life he has led since (he was the good one, it seems).
Regrettably, I was not able to see Grandma Bill prior to her passing. I was going to go visit with her while I was in town last fall, but, of course, I was unable to make that trip.
In recent years, her health had begun to deteriorate. She and my great aunt were moved from Ocoee to a nursing home in Orange Park (on the outskirts of Jacksonville), almost a decade ago. This was a good move, as it moved her closer to family (my aunt and much of her family lives in Orange Park), and it also provided assistance in areas where it was needed for everyday living. It was not a popular move to some, but it was the proper one. She never was able to get used to the food that they served there, but, after eating like she had all her life, you can't blame her.
On the subject of food, she always hated cheese...I thought that was the oddest thing. Seems she had cottage cheese once, absolutely hated it, and figured all cheese tasted like that. You couldn't get her to eat cheese at all...go figure.
In her waning years, she suffered from memory problems. She would forget people's names and whatnot. She never seemed to forget mine though...somehow she would know who I was when I walked in (well, I do think she thought I was my dad once, but other then that...). I was her only grandson, so that probably helped...
So, we all met up down in Florida this past weekend to pay our last respects. She lived a long life, and made it through various health problems in her life to get to 88. I can probably only hope to make it that long...
Goodbye, Grandma Bill...we'll miss you.
She was your standard southern grandmother...loved to cook. Had a house outside Orlando, FL, in a small town called Ocoee. It would get intensely hot, especially back in the kitchen when the cooking was going on (which was pretty much at all times). The only air conditioning to be had in the place was in her bedroom, so that's where I would hide out between meals when I was visiting.
She and my grandfather were separated when my father was a teenager. Times were tough back dad was able to get away from it and go on to develop the life he has led since (he was the good one, it seems).
Regrettably, I was not able to see Grandma Bill prior to her passing. I was going to go visit with her while I was in town last fall, but, of course, I was unable to make that trip.
In recent years, her health had begun to deteriorate. She and my great aunt were moved from Ocoee to a nursing home in Orange Park (on the outskirts of Jacksonville), almost a decade ago. This was a good move, as it moved her closer to family (my aunt and much of her family lives in Orange Park), and it also provided assistance in areas where it was needed for everyday living. It was not a popular move to some, but it was the proper one. She never was able to get used to the food that they served there, but, after eating like she had all her life, you can't blame her.
On the subject of food, she always hated cheese...I thought that was the oddest thing. Seems she had cottage cheese once, absolutely hated it, and figured all cheese tasted like that. You couldn't get her to eat cheese at all...go figure.
In her waning years, she suffered from memory problems. She would forget people's names and whatnot. She never seemed to forget mine though...somehow she would know who I was when I walked in (well, I do think she thought I was my dad once, but other then that...). I was her only grandson, so that probably helped...
So, we all met up down in Florida this past weekend to pay our last respects. She lived a long life, and made it through various health problems in her life to get to 88. I can probably only hope to make it that long...
Goodbye, Grandma Bill...we'll miss you.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Achy Breaky Back: Reprise

So, I knew I couldn't go too long without medical problems. It had been far too long since I had some pain somewhere, so here we go.
As I said in my last post, I've screwed my back up again. The theory (well, not so much theory as fact) is that it got screwed up, this time, in helping my parents move into their new place. Now, I had been able to deal with it until last weekend, when I did a good deal more walking around then I normally do. That also got my girlfriend's attention, and she convinced me to get an appointment with my doctor. So, I got in there last Monday.
In the end, the doc said we would try medicating it to begin with. She poked and prodded and tried very hard to make it hurt very badly...and was only mildly successful. Poking and prodding did not hurt, but when she had me lay back and lift my left leg, my nerves told me, in no uncertain terms, "Do not do that again."
Anyway, it's likely a pinched nerve or muscle issue or something...the doc gave me a muscle relaxer, an anti-inflammatory, some Vicodin, and to top it all off, blood pressure medicine. I'm a walking medicine cabinet these days...The good news is, the meds seem to be working. I'm actually able to sleep through the night now, whereas before I was woken up pretty much anytime I tried to move. Progress...
In other news, my Marlins are looking good so far this season. 1st place in the NL East at the almost quarter-season mark. People continue to want to write them off, and it's true that they haven't played the hardest schedule so far, but ya gotsta have faith, babeh!!
That's really all I got for now, I, until next time, screw Flanders.
Monday, May 5, 2008
RE: The Life of Bryan
Time for my apparently monthly update...
My girlfriend and I went to Constitution Hall Friday night to check out Eddie Izzard. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Well worth the search for tickets. I'm real happy I was able to go with my favorite girl, as we're both fans of his.
The standup act was just part of the day we spent together. We also went and checked out Potomac Mills for a bit. It was really nice to be able to spend that time with her, as it was the first extended chunk of time we've been able to be together. I really enjoyed it, and I hope for more of that in the near future.
So, on to some not as good back has started giving me issues again. After some urging from my girlfriend, I've got an appointment for this morning with my doc. Hopefully it's just a case of needing rest and whatever.
I'm in the process of packing for my move next month. Luckily, most of my stuff is already in ready-to-move bins and boxes, so there won't be much to it. So that's nice. I've never had a roommate, or a pet in my that will be a new experience for me.
I guess that's all I've got for now...until next time, screw Flanders.
My girlfriend and I went to Constitution Hall Friday night to check out Eddie Izzard. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Well worth the search for tickets. I'm real happy I was able to go with my favorite girl, as we're both fans of his.
The standup act was just part of the day we spent together. We also went and checked out Potomac Mills for a bit. It was really nice to be able to spend that time with her, as it was the first extended chunk of time we've been able to be together. I really enjoyed it, and I hope for more of that in the near future.
So, on to some not as good back has started giving me issues again. After some urging from my girlfriend, I've got an appointment for this morning with my doc. Hopefully it's just a case of needing rest and whatever.
I'm in the process of packing for my move next month. Luckily, most of my stuff is already in ready-to-move bins and boxes, so there won't be much to it. So that's nice. I've never had a roommate, or a pet in my that will be a new experience for me.
I guess that's all I've got for now...until next time, screw Flanders.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hey hey hey
So, I've let another month+ go by without a post...sorry. A good bit has happened, so I suppose it's a good time to catch people up.
My girlfriend and I are into month three together, and it's been terrific. I just wish I could see her more, but her work in theater has her hours less then ideal. I'm a patient guy, though, and she's worth waiting for.
In my last post, I mentioned my lease is up on my apartment. Well, the news there is, I'm moving to a bigger apartment, and adding a roommate in the process. Those details have been finalized over the past couple weeks. This will be a very good situation, financially, because it will allow me to save a good bit off rent and utilities and whatnot, so my money issues just might be almost over.
On the weight loss front, I've hit a bit of a wall recently. I'm not putting any weight back on, which is good, but I'm not really losing anymore, which is not as good. I just need to find the right combination of things to allow me to get back on that track.
Over the past couple weeks, I've been helping my parents move into a new place. My back has been paying the price for that assistance, but I'm glad to help them out however I can. I've just gotten to popping Aleve again, but it's getting sister and her family are coming up tomorrow to help finish the moving in, and then it will be done.
Onto work...I got a pretty decent raise last week. At least, better then I was that's nice. Every bit helps, ya know? However, I've found myself having issues concentrating at work...I need to monitor that, and try to figure out a way to correct it.
I guess that's it...I've hardly played any games or anything like that in the last month, so there's nothing to really talk about there.
Until next time, screw Flanders...
My girlfriend and I are into month three together, and it's been terrific. I just wish I could see her more, but her work in theater has her hours less then ideal. I'm a patient guy, though, and she's worth waiting for.
In my last post, I mentioned my lease is up on my apartment. Well, the news there is, I'm moving to a bigger apartment, and adding a roommate in the process. Those details have been finalized over the past couple weeks. This will be a very good situation, financially, because it will allow me to save a good bit off rent and utilities and whatnot, so my money issues just might be almost over.
On the weight loss front, I've hit a bit of a wall recently. I'm not putting any weight back on, which is good, but I'm not really losing anymore, which is not as good. I just need to find the right combination of things to allow me to get back on that track.
Over the past couple weeks, I've been helping my parents move into a new place. My back has been paying the price for that assistance, but I'm glad to help them out however I can. I've just gotten to popping Aleve again, but it's getting sister and her family are coming up tomorrow to help finish the moving in, and then it will be done.
Onto work...I got a pretty decent raise last week. At least, better then I was that's nice. Every bit helps, ya know? However, I've found myself having issues concentrating at work...I need to monitor that, and try to figure out a way to correct it.
I guess that's it...I've hardly played any games or anything like that in the last month, so there's nothing to really talk about there.
Until next time, screw Flanders...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
He lives...
So, it's been awhile (again) since my last post. It's not that I intentionally ignore this's just that I'm an especially lazy person.
Anyway, what's been happening since I've been away? I guess the big news is, I've started seeing somebody. Let me just say...she's awesome. We met online...which is something that I never thought I would do. I was always kinda leery about trying to meet people that way, but I've gotten over that real quick if I can meet people like her.
On the family front, my parents are having to move from their place, as the owner is looking to sell it before the housing prices go down even further around here. So, I'll be helping them out with that for awhile...
The lease for my apartment is up next month. Hard to believe it's been a year already, but it has been...I have a decision to make. Do I stay here and remain alone in my swingin' bachelor pad, or do I move and take on a roommate? That option has kinda been opened to me, and I'm being swayed by the rent cut, to be honest. I mean, I would be roomies with one of my best friends, which would be nice too, but that money is really calling out to me pretty loud. I'll have to see how that plays out...
As far as gaming goes, aside from Guitar Hero and Rock Band, there hasn't been much. I broke into Call of Duty 4 finally, and got through a few levels of that. Otherwise, there hasn't been a whole lotta gaming recently.
The job is pretty much the same as it has been. I've updated my resume on, and have received some interest, but nothing that made me jump up and move on from where I am now. I'm open to new opportunities, but it's not like I absolutely have to leave, ya know?
Guess that's about it...maybe it won't take so long for me to make my next post.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Anyway, what's been happening since I've been away? I guess the big news is, I've started seeing somebody. Let me just say...she's awesome. We met online...which is something that I never thought I would do. I was always kinda leery about trying to meet people that way, but I've gotten over that real quick if I can meet people like her.
On the family front, my parents are having to move from their place, as the owner is looking to sell it before the housing prices go down even further around here. So, I'll be helping them out with that for awhile...
The lease for my apartment is up next month. Hard to believe it's been a year already, but it has been...I have a decision to make. Do I stay here and remain alone in my swingin' bachelor pad, or do I move and take on a roommate? That option has kinda been opened to me, and I'm being swayed by the rent cut, to be honest. I mean, I would be roomies with one of my best friends, which would be nice too, but that money is really calling out to me pretty loud. I'll have to see how that plays out...
As far as gaming goes, aside from Guitar Hero and Rock Band, there hasn't been much. I broke into Call of Duty 4 finally, and got through a few levels of that. Otherwise, there hasn't been a whole lotta gaming recently.
The job is pretty much the same as it has been. I've updated my resume on, and have received some interest, but nothing that made me jump up and move on from where I am now. I'm open to new opportunities, but it's not like I absolutely have to leave, ya know?
Guess that's about it...maybe it won't take so long for me to make my next post.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
2007: A Year in Review
So, I have yet to review the events of 2007. Let's take a quick look back, shall we?
In the course of the year 2007, I:
- moved into a new apartment.
- got a new car (swanky convertible, no less)
- started on a successful weight loss track.
- created new friendships, and further developed existing ones.
- decided to lose the glasses in favor of contact lenses.
- took up the guitar.
- got a promotion at work.
- started going out more, hanging out with friends and colleagues throughout the year.
It was a pretty big year of change for me. Will 2008 hold the same amount of new things? It will be pretty hard to measure up, but we'll see what the new year holds...
In the course of the year 2007, I:
- moved into a new apartment.
- got a new car (swanky convertible, no less)
- started on a successful weight loss track.
- created new friendships, and further developed existing ones.
- decided to lose the glasses in favor of contact lenses.
- took up the guitar.
- got a promotion at work.
- started going out more, hanging out with friends and colleagues throughout the year.
It was a pretty big year of change for me. Will 2008 hold the same amount of new things? It will be pretty hard to measure up, but we'll see what the new year holds...
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Story of Loss: 50 Pounds Gone
So, over this weekend, I hit a milestone in my journey of weight loss...50 pounds. I must say, I am pretty proud of myself in hitting this mark. It's not the end of the road, but it's definitely nice to hit that kind of number. I'm wearing clothes now that I haven't been able to wear in years, which is especially nice. I'm getting back close to my high school weight...
I have been getting some concern from a couple people re: my pretty rapid weight loss. Let me assure everyone reading, I am eating. I am just not eating near as much as I used to, and I have made dietary changes that have allowed me to hit this milestone. I appreciate the concern, and like the fact that people care enough to say these things, but I am not starving myself. I am just eating what I should be eating now...
Alright, enough of that...My Jags won over the weekend, so now they get to move on and play the undefeated Patriots Saturday night. Hopefully they can pull this one out...if they do, it will be the biggest victory in franchise history, and put them one win away from the Super Bowl.
Guess that's about all I have to say right now, so until next time...screw Flanders.
I have been getting some concern from a couple people re: my pretty rapid weight loss. Let me assure everyone reading, I am eating. I am just not eating near as much as I used to, and I have made dietary changes that have allowed me to hit this milestone. I appreciate the concern, and like the fact that people care enough to say these things, but I am not starving myself. I am just eating what I should be eating now...
Alright, enough of that...My Jags won over the weekend, so now they get to move on and play the undefeated Patriots Saturday night. Hopefully they can pull this one out...if they do, it will be the biggest victory in franchise history, and put them one win away from the Super Bowl.
Guess that's about all I have to say right now, so until next time...screw Flanders.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Xmas 07 - Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Xmas
So, Xmas was this past Tuesday. For my family, it was held at my folks' place, which is pretty convenient for me, since I live pretty close. We had been congregating down in Williamsburg the last few years, which was nice, but this was pretty good too.
Xmas Eve, an old tradition was re-birthed, and a possible new tradition was begun. In years past, my dad had put together a little game of clues, where everyone got a clue and had to figure out what it meant. Upon discovery of the meaning, they would find a gift at the destination. We did this again this year, and everyone had a good time with it.
We also did something new...a "secret santa" gift exchange. This was an idea by my nieces where everyone had drawn names and had to make something for the person whose names they got. I got my oldest niece, and since she's into music in a big way, I made her a bracelet out of guitar picks. She seemed to enjoy it. My brother-in-law got my name, and helped me re-arrange my apartment (hang shelves, move furniture around, etc.) That was much appreciated, and it looks great now.
My nieces spent Xmas Eve at my place, since the space was needed to set everything up for Xmas morning. We stayed up until roughly 3 am playing some Rock Band. My bro-in-law also stuck around for awhile, and joined in the playing for a bit. I'm usually pretty good with the guitar, but I was having issues with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard from his "singing" But, it was good times.
Xmas morning comes, and the three of us head over to my parents' house, after a quick stop at McDs to pick up breakfast. On arrival, my nieces were glued to seats in the kitchen while final prep was finished. They got a little impatient, understandably...we actually had the latest start to Xmas that I can remember.
Anyway, once things got under way, everyone seemed to enjoy what they got. I received a pretty nice watch from my folks, as well as a nice brown overcoat. I got a nice Gators fleece jacket from my grandmother, Scrubs season 1 (great show BTW), cash money, and many other great things.
My parents had mentioned, leading up to Xmas, that they were interested in getting themselves a Wii. Perfect gift idea, I thought. It would have been even more perfect had I been able to locate one in a store. Resorting to eBay, I was able to get them one, and they were happy to get it.
See, the bad thing at this point is that I seem to have developed this reputation as a great gift giver...the issue is, I don't really care about spending money, so I like to get people things that I know they will love, and that usually costs somewhat high dollar signs. I will have to work myself out of this habit, especially if I ever have kids of my own...I'll go flat broke.
Anyway, that's the rundown of Xmas 07 - jaxjaggywires style. Hope everyone out there had a good, safe holiday season this year. Until next time...screw Flanders.
P.S. On the diet front, I have now passed 40 pounds lost...hooray for me. OK, that's all I've got for now...
Xmas Eve, an old tradition was re-birthed, and a possible new tradition was begun. In years past, my dad had put together a little game of clues, where everyone got a clue and had to figure out what it meant. Upon discovery of the meaning, they would find a gift at the destination. We did this again this year, and everyone had a good time with it.
We also did something new...a "secret santa" gift exchange. This was an idea by my nieces where everyone had drawn names and had to make something for the person whose names they got. I got my oldest niece, and since she's into music in a big way, I made her a bracelet out of guitar picks. She seemed to enjoy it. My brother-in-law got my name, and helped me re-arrange my apartment (hang shelves, move furniture around, etc.) That was much appreciated, and it looks great now.
My nieces spent Xmas Eve at my place, since the space was needed to set everything up for Xmas morning. We stayed up until roughly 3 am playing some Rock Band. My bro-in-law also stuck around for awhile, and joined in the playing for a bit. I'm usually pretty good with the guitar, but I was having issues with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard from his "singing" But, it was good times.
Xmas morning comes, and the three of us head over to my parents' house, after a quick stop at McDs to pick up breakfast. On arrival, my nieces were glued to seats in the kitchen while final prep was finished. They got a little impatient, understandably...we actually had the latest start to Xmas that I can remember.
Anyway, once things got under way, everyone seemed to enjoy what they got. I received a pretty nice watch from my folks, as well as a nice brown overcoat. I got a nice Gators fleece jacket from my grandmother, Scrubs season 1 (great show BTW), cash money, and many other great things.
My parents had mentioned, leading up to Xmas, that they were interested in getting themselves a Wii. Perfect gift idea, I thought. It would have been even more perfect had I been able to locate one in a store. Resorting to eBay, I was able to get them one, and they were happy to get it.
See, the bad thing at this point is that I seem to have developed this reputation as a great gift giver...the issue is, I don't really care about spending money, so I like to get people things that I know they will love, and that usually costs somewhat high dollar signs. I will have to work myself out of this habit, especially if I ever have kids of my own...I'll go flat broke.
Anyway, that's the rundown of Xmas 07 - jaxjaggywires style. Hope everyone out there had a good, safe holiday season this year. Until next time...screw Flanders.
P.S. On the diet front, I have now passed 40 pounds lost...hooray for me. OK, that's all I've got for now...
Friday, December 21, 2007
What Am I Playing? - Rockin' Out Style
Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted about my gaming habit. Time to catch up...
Since it came out, my gaming time has been dominated by Rock Band on the 360. I've almost made it all the way through the expert tour on the guitar (expert on RB is definitely easier then expert on any of the Guitar Hero games). I've tried the drums a bit, but find that they will take a little getting used to. I have yet to try the singing, but will likely belt out some vocals once I'm able to get my friends together to play it with me. I feel a little strange singing out loud by myself...what would my neighbors think?
I've also played some Assassin's Creed on the 360, and it was pretty good. I need to get back to it, if I can ever surgically remove the RB disc from the 360 drive.
I'm hoping to get Mass Effect on the 360 for Xmas...I hear it's outstanding, and I'd like to check it out.
I guess there wasn't really that much to catch up on after all RE: gaming. Rock Band and Assassin's Creed...more to come.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Since it came out, my gaming time has been dominated by Rock Band on the 360. I've almost made it all the way through the expert tour on the guitar (expert on RB is definitely easier then expert on any of the Guitar Hero games). I've tried the drums a bit, but find that they will take a little getting used to. I have yet to try the singing, but will likely belt out some vocals once I'm able to get my friends together to play it with me. I feel a little strange singing out loud by myself...what would my neighbors think?
I've also played some Assassin's Creed on the 360, and it was pretty good. I need to get back to it, if I can ever surgically remove the RB disc from the 360 drive.
I'm hoping to get Mass Effect on the 360 for Xmas...I hear it's outstanding, and I'd like to check it out.
I guess there wasn't really that much to catch up on after all RE: gaming. Rock Band and Assassin's Creed...more to come.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Good news edition
Since the beginning of September, I have been on a mission...a mission of weight loss. Everyone who knows me knows what a fat sack of crap I was. Well, I set out to change that, and since I started on this path, I've now lost close to 40 pounds.
The weight loss is purely diet related, as I have still not been exercising like I should be...that is to come. However, I feel better now (at least physically) then I have in a very long time.
So, at least I have something positive going for me in my life right now...just wanted to share that, so people didn't think I was all gloom and doom these days.
The weight loss is purely diet related, as I have still not been exercising like I should be...that is to come. However, I feel better now (at least physically) then I have in a very long time.
So, at least I have something positive going for me in my life right now...just wanted to share that, so people didn't think I was all gloom and doom these days.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Events of the weekend...
So, this weekend, my company held it's annual Holiday Party at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum by Dulles. I had never attended the event in my many years with the company, but figured I would give it a go this year. I was also able to get a hot date to go with me, which helped the decision...she rocks, even with static cling ;)
I had never been to the museum, and the place is huge. Planes suspended from the ceiling, some fairly odd looking. Of course, the first thing we did as we entered (running the final hundred feet to the front door due to the cold) is scan the scene and see what's happening around the building. They have a pretty good setup...well-stocked bars setup all over the place, and tables of food (pasta, meat, desserts) located close to each other. It was all pretty nice.
As the night moved on, we eventually ran into my friend Jander and his girlfriend when they showed up, so we hung with them for a bit. Also found where my co-workers congregated, so hung around there as well.
After this, we moved over to the tables surrounding the dance floor, as Kelly's feet were starting to complain. Now, the chairs around these tables were some of the weirdest I have ever seen. They were these hydraulic, plastic seat jobs with no friction whatsoever...if you moved at all, you started slipping off.
After people watching for a bit, we decided to take a little tour of the museum. After this, we caught the Imax movie...and flick about helicopters and why they're so cool. It was decent enough (especially for being free). This pretty much wrapped up the party for us, as closing time was 11:30. We didn't get to leave, however, until some embarrassment (at least for me) that I won't go into here...the whole ride home was a conversation that I wasn't prepared to have.
So, it was a nice party. First time I ever saw my best friend in a fancy pants tux, so that was something...his girl looked good too. Of course, the girl I was with looked great...everyone looked top notch. Good times were had by all...
Today, I wake up early to try and take care of some Xmas shopping. I'm off to Best Buy a good hour fifteen before opening, and I pull into the parking lot to a line that extends around the front of the building, along the side past the auto installation area. I decided to avoid that scene after all. So I actually go and get some breakfast for the first time in forever, and head over to my folks place to watch the Jags lose to the
That pretty much brings me up to date...time for the usual weekend administrative duties.
So, until next time, screw Flanders...
I had never been to the museum, and the place is huge. Planes suspended from the ceiling, some fairly odd looking. Of course, the first thing we did as we entered (running the final hundred feet to the front door due to the cold) is scan the scene and see what's happening around the building. They have a pretty good setup...well-stocked bars setup all over the place, and tables of food (pasta, meat, desserts) located close to each other. It was all pretty nice.
As the night moved on, we eventually ran into my friend Jander and his girlfriend when they showed up, so we hung with them for a bit. Also found where my co-workers congregated, so hung around there as well.
After this, we moved over to the tables surrounding the dance floor, as Kelly's feet were starting to complain. Now, the chairs around these tables were some of the weirdest I have ever seen. They were these hydraulic, plastic seat jobs with no friction whatsoever...if you moved at all, you started slipping off.
After people watching for a bit, we decided to take a little tour of the museum. After this, we caught the Imax movie...and flick about helicopters and why they're so cool. It was decent enough (especially for being free). This pretty much wrapped up the party for us, as closing time was 11:30. We didn't get to leave, however, until some embarrassment (at least for me) that I won't go into here...the whole ride home was a conversation that I wasn't prepared to have.
So, it was a nice party. First time I ever saw my best friend in a fancy pants tux, so that was something...his girl looked good too. Of course, the girl I was with looked great...everyone looked top notch. Good times were had by all...
Today, I wake up early to try and take care of some Xmas shopping. I'm off to Best Buy a good hour fifteen before opening, and I pull into the parking lot to a line that extends around the front of the building, along the side past the auto installation area. I decided to avoid that scene after all. So I actually go and get some breakfast for the first time in forever, and head over to my folks place to watch the Jags lose to the
That pretty much brings me up to date...time for the usual weekend administrative duties.
So, until next time, screw Flanders...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Review: Bender's Big Score

OK, yeah, awesome. That's about all I have to say about the first new Futurama goodness in two plus years...if you liked the show at all while it was running on Fox, or you like the re-runs currently showing on Adult Swim, you absolutely have to watch this feature-length episode.
Appearances by almost all your favorites (no Mom & Sons, though?), and terrific callbacks to previous episodes. A bit racier then we're used to out of the Futuramasphere, but it worked to perfection.
I did catch onto one odd continuity issue...but I'll let the viewers see if they can find it as well. Just pay attention the first time Nibbler speaks.
Anyway, a definite must, go watch it. Go on...DO IT!
Until next time, screw Flanders...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Birthday #28
28 years ago, the world became a much better place. A light began shining where there was once nothing but darkness and despair. That's right folks...28 years ago today, I was introduced to the world.
So, the birthday weekend was pretty nice to me. It started off on Saturday with a Gators romp over the Florida Atlantic Owls. Following that, I headed off to catch Kelly and Jen at a talent show they had a dance routine in. They were the lone bright spot, IMO. Afterward, the usual group gathered together at Tysons to get something to eat at Fridays and catch a movie.
Now, at Fridays, I was concerned, as Kelly told our waitress that it was my birthday. Instantly, thoughts of embarrassment and singing entered into my head, and I became afraid. Luckily, we talked the waitress into no singing, just the free dessert. So that was good.
Between eating and the movie, we decided to head out to the parking lot to throw the football around. We were having a good time, until the Mall Narc told us to stop. Enough with that noise, I say...why the man gotta bring us down, yo?
The movie was Beowulf, which I thought was pretty good. The CGI work was astoundingly good, I thought. Grendel was nasty, and there was far too much bare Beowulf behind, but it was still a good movie.
So, moving to today, the Jaguars won to move to 7-3. Hooray. After the game, my parents took me to Bonefish Grill, which was nice. I had never been there, and it was a pretty good place. Glad I wasn't paying, lemme tell ya...
The present haul was pretty sweet friends and family rock. Got a couple games (Assassin's Creed and Mario Galaxy), the Spiderman Blu-ray set and a pretty sweet Jaguars jacket. Also got some cash from my grandmother, which is always welcome. I still have a gift coming from my sister, which should also be pretty sweet.
All in all, pretty nice birthday this time around. Dare I say, the best I've had in awhile. Good time with friends and family...
On a slightly different topic, I got an e-mail from telling me Rock Band has I am giddy with anticipation. Giddy, I say! I should have it time for the Thanksgiving gathering, which should make for some interesting playing with my family and/or friends.
That's all I got for until next time, screw Flanders.
P.S...Reggie Williams rocks.
So, the birthday weekend was pretty nice to me. It started off on Saturday with a Gators romp over the Florida Atlantic Owls. Following that, I headed off to catch Kelly and Jen at a talent show they had a dance routine in. They were the lone bright spot, IMO. Afterward, the usual group gathered together at Tysons to get something to eat at Fridays and catch a movie.
Now, at Fridays, I was concerned, as Kelly told our waitress that it was my birthday. Instantly, thoughts of embarrassment and singing entered into my head, and I became afraid. Luckily, we talked the waitress into no singing, just the free dessert. So that was good.
Between eating and the movie, we decided to head out to the parking lot to throw the football around. We were having a good time, until the Mall Narc told us to stop. Enough with that noise, I say...why the man gotta bring us down, yo?
The movie was Beowulf, which I thought was pretty good. The CGI work was astoundingly good, I thought. Grendel was nasty, and there was far too much bare Beowulf behind, but it was still a good movie.
So, moving to today, the Jaguars won to move to 7-3. Hooray. After the game, my parents took me to Bonefish Grill, which was nice. I had never been there, and it was a pretty good place. Glad I wasn't paying, lemme tell ya...
The present haul was pretty sweet friends and family rock. Got a couple games (Assassin's Creed and Mario Galaxy), the Spiderman Blu-ray set and a pretty sweet Jaguars jacket. Also got some cash from my grandmother, which is always welcome. I still have a gift coming from my sister, which should also be pretty sweet.
All in all, pretty nice birthday this time around. Dare I say, the best I've had in awhile. Good time with friends and family...
On a slightly different topic, I got an e-mail from telling me Rock Band has I am giddy with anticipation. Giddy, I say! I should have it time for the Thanksgiving gathering, which should make for some interesting playing with my family and/or friends.
That's all I got for until next time, screw Flanders.
P.S...Reggie Williams rocks.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
New toy - iPod Touch
So, I got a new toy iPod Touch. In fact, this post is being written on said iPod, as a test of the Internet and keyboard. They seem to work pretty well...
Anyway, that is all for now. So, until next time...screw Flanders.
Anyway, that is all for now. So, until next time...screw Flanders.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Book of Faces...
So, this past Monday, I get an IM from Facebook which stated that a friend of mine from high school was trying to add me, and found that I had no account. This was true...I had somehow avoided the whole Facebook thing up to that point. However, seeing as someone seemed to be interested in talking to me, I decided to create an account.
If you're not familiar with the Facebook scene, it's a community site where you create an account and can generate a "friends" list from people you either know in person or know through the web. I must say, it's better than Myspace from what I've seen so far...I've caught up with a couple people I haven't talked to since right around high school graduation, so that's good.
Also, on Facebook, you can join various groups. I found a "Class of 1998" group for my high school, so I joined. Upon joining, I find a link to a video of our All Night Grad Party, which was the evening following our graduation. I have never seen this video, and was interested to see if I showed up in it. Of course, I did...I surprisingly didn't look too bad, if I do say so myself.
The whole video is pretty lengthy, so I haven't seen the whole thing yet...perhaps later.
Anyway, just thought I'd share...until next time, screw Flanders.
If you're not familiar with the Facebook scene, it's a community site where you create an account and can generate a "friends" list from people you either know in person or know through the web. I must say, it's better than Myspace from what I've seen so far...I've caught up with a couple people I haven't talked to since right around high school graduation, so that's good.
Also, on Facebook, you can join various groups. I found a "Class of 1998" group for my high school, so I joined. Upon joining, I find a link to a video of our All Night Grad Party, which was the evening following our graduation. I have never seen this video, and was interested to see if I showed up in it. Of course, I did...I surprisingly didn't look too bad, if I do say so myself.
The whole video is pretty lengthy, so I haven't seen the whole thing yet...perhaps later.
Anyway, just thought I'd share...until next time, screw Flanders.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
State of Bryan
I think I'm at a crossroads in my life. I've been working at the same place for going on eight years...toiling away at pretty much nothing of significance, all the while just trying to latch onto something each day to keep me from losing it. I'm usually able to find something to get me going, but some days I just don't wanna face things.
It's just that nothing in my life is very exciting. Go to work, come home, watch some TV, maybe practice some guitar, eat and, what a fun time that is day in and day out. Maybe if I actually enjoyed going out to clubs. Maybe if I didn't over-think everything so I wind up doing nothing.
A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine told me I analyze everything like crazy. While she was (kinda) joking, it's really true. When I'm faced with anything that I haven't been through before, I usually over-analyze and sweat the the point where, even if I should be having a good time, I don't. I've been that way since I can remember, and I don't know if I can change...
I'm taking a training class at our HQ office in McLean this week. It's a network certification class, to get prepped to get the Network+ cert. Is that something I really want to get into? I dunno...probably not. It's just another marketing tool, pretty much. Maybe it will lead to more money, maybe it won't. Hope it does...I could sure use the extra cash.
Anyway, my 28th birthday is coming in a few weeks...I don't remember when it happened, but birthdays really don't mean crap to me anymore. It's just another day...just happens to be a day where you might get stuff from other people. Maybe it's because I prefer to actually give the gifts then to receive them. Don't get me wrong, it's great to get free stuff from family and friends, but sometimes I just feel weird with people spending money on me. I also feel bad this year as far as my gift giving goes, because I don't have the available resources that I used to. So, this is gonna be a down year for birthdays and Xmas from me...just a heads up to the folks reading this blog ;/
Until next time, screw Flanders...
P.S...just for clarification, I'm not saying my life sucks. I just want a change, but I'm not sure what the change should be...
It's just that nothing in my life is very exciting. Go to work, come home, watch some TV, maybe practice some guitar, eat and, what a fun time that is day in and day out. Maybe if I actually enjoyed going out to clubs. Maybe if I didn't over-think everything so I wind up doing nothing.
A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine told me I analyze everything like crazy. While she was (kinda) joking, it's really true. When I'm faced with anything that I haven't been through before, I usually over-analyze and sweat the the point where, even if I should be having a good time, I don't. I've been that way since I can remember, and I don't know if I can change...
I'm taking a training class at our HQ office in McLean this week. It's a network certification class, to get prepped to get the Network+ cert. Is that something I really want to get into? I dunno...probably not. It's just another marketing tool, pretty much. Maybe it will lead to more money, maybe it won't. Hope it does...I could sure use the extra cash.
Anyway, my 28th birthday is coming in a few weeks...I don't remember when it happened, but birthdays really don't mean crap to me anymore. It's just another day...just happens to be a day where you might get stuff from other people. Maybe it's because I prefer to actually give the gifts then to receive them. Don't get me wrong, it's great to get free stuff from family and friends, but sometimes I just feel weird with people spending money on me. I also feel bad this year as far as my gift giving goes, because I don't have the available resources that I used to. So, this is gonna be a down year for birthdays and Xmas from me...just a heads up to the folks reading this blog ;/
Until next time, screw Flanders...
P.S...just for clarification, I'm not saying my life sucks. I just want a change, but I'm not sure what the change should be...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Remember back in the day when you could dress up in some ratty costume and go door to door demanding candy from your neighbors? I miss those days...
Now, as a grown up, I am expected to be one of those neighbors with candy. I have no idea how much to get for my apartment...I know there's some kids in the neighborhood, but don't know what kind of Halloween haul (or, as I call it, Hauloween) is to be expected.
I talk about Halloween because it is the next day of calendar importance, yet some stores want to skip it and go for the gusto. I was just in Giant a few minutes ago, and damned if they didn't have Christmas decorations out and available for purchase...Christmas!! Angel ornaments next to devil costumes...something's just not right with that picture.
To get in the Halloween spirit, I recommend viewing the following movies:
- Monster Squad. This is a movie I remember from my youth, about a group of kids that have to save their town from the Mummy, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Wolfman, Frankenstein's Monster AND about your star packed horror movie. Of course, it's a kiddie horror movie, so don't expect much blood or real fright. Seeing those baddies though will get anyone in the 10/31 spirit...
- Night of the Living Dead. Of course, a classic horror movie. Kick-started the zombiepocalypse. Often imitated, never's a must see.
- 28 Days Later. Where NotLD really introduced zombies to movies, 28 Days Later made them super fast and aggressive. Before, if you could just keep running, you were safe. Now, you can't possibly run fast enough. Very scary...
- The Omega Man. There's a remake of this tale coming out soon starring Will Smith called I Am Legend, but there will never be another Omega Man. Charlton Heston is the last living "normal" man in a city overtaken by mutated victims of biological warfare. Not very scary, but still a cool flick, with a cool costume idea (mutants FTW!)
- Fright Night. Charley Ragsdale is a normal kid...who lives next to a pair of vampires. He enlists the help of his horror-addicted best friend and girlfriend (TV's Marcy D'Arcy), along with Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall), the local horror movie host. Very good scary movie...
What are some others you out there enjoy to get into the frightful mood?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Insert funny title here...
Wow, creative eh?
Anyway, figured it was time to throw a post up ankle is almost back to health now, which is good. I'm still wearing a small brace, but hopefully by next week I can go back to just shoes.
On the gaming front, I finally broke open Bioshock, which had been sitting there, calling out to me from within it's shrinkwrap cocoon. So far (which is not very far), it's been pretty good. Also got in some GRAW 2 multiplayer with Jander...if only we could have actually finished that level.
Halo 3 is also calling to me, but I have resisted the urge to buy it for now...I have plenty of other things I currently own to keep me busy for the foreseeable future.
On the guitar front, I have been continuing my learning...slowly but surely, I'm getting better. I'm also looking to get a new acoustic. The one I have I got for Xmas a few years back from my folks, and it hasn't been great to play on...action is a bit too high for my liking.
On the sports front:
- Jaguars are 2-1 and on the bye this week...David Garrard hasn't looked horrible so far, and I hope that continues.
- Gators are 4-0 and at home against Auburn this weekend. 8 pm, it! Tim Tebow = Superman. He's on his way to becoming the first sophomore to get the Heisman Trophy.
- Marlins are almost through for the years...they didn't do too well this season. Hopefully they get better over the offseason, specifically with regards to injuries and pitching.
- Panthers are about to start up their season. They are favored by some to win the division, so that's nice. Olli Jokinen for MVP!
- My fantasy football team is 2-1, facing Jander's team this week...should be an easy win ;)
That's it for the moment, I guess...if I think of anything else to write about, I'll let you know. Until then, screw Flanders.
Anyway, figured it was time to throw a post up ankle is almost back to health now, which is good. I'm still wearing a small brace, but hopefully by next week I can go back to just shoes.
On the gaming front, I finally broke open Bioshock, which had been sitting there, calling out to me from within it's shrinkwrap cocoon. So far (which is not very far), it's been pretty good. Also got in some GRAW 2 multiplayer with Jander...if only we could have actually finished that level.
Halo 3 is also calling to me, but I have resisted the urge to buy it for now...I have plenty of other things I currently own to keep me busy for the foreseeable future.
On the guitar front, I have been continuing my learning...slowly but surely, I'm getting better. I'm also looking to get a new acoustic. The one I have I got for Xmas a few years back from my folks, and it hasn't been great to play on...action is a bit too high for my liking.
On the sports front:
- Jaguars are 2-1 and on the bye this week...David Garrard hasn't looked horrible so far, and I hope that continues.
- Gators are 4-0 and at home against Auburn this weekend. 8 pm, it! Tim Tebow = Superman. He's on his way to becoming the first sophomore to get the Heisman Trophy.
- Marlins are almost through for the years...they didn't do too well this season. Hopefully they get better over the offseason, specifically with regards to injuries and pitching.
- Panthers are about to start up their season. They are favored by some to win the division, so that's nice. Olli Jokinen for MVP!
- My fantasy football team is 2-1, facing Jander's team this week...should be an easy win ;)
That's it for the moment, I guess...if I think of anything else to write about, I'll let you know. Until then, screw Flanders.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Fantasy Football 07

In the middle of my pain trek, my league's draft was this past Monday. As always, it was done through ESPN. For the first time, however, it was free this year. Unfortunately, I think since it was free, they decided to make it not as good as years prior.
The main issue is with the draft itself. Multiple people were complaining about dropped connections, frozen Java app, and whatnot. This was not an issue in the past, so I'm forced to assume that ESPN kinda half-assed it this year with the freebie.
Anyway, in the end, here is my current team:
QB - Drew Brees, Matt Hasselbeck and Chad Pennington
RB - Rudi Johnson, Willis McGahee and Fred Taylor
WR - Lee Evans, Jerricho Cotchery, Muhsin Muhammad and Ernest Wilford
TE - Vernon Davis, Jason Witten
K - Josh Scobee
Def Player - Mike Peterson
Defense - Jacksonville, Oakland
Not too bad...happy with the QB and RB spots. WR I'm not too enthused with, but otherwise I'm good with my squad. Season starts tonight with my starting QB playing against the Colts. I'm hoping for a shoot out...
This boot ain't made for walking...
So, it hasn't exactly been the best few weeks for me...
First, as I mentioned in my last post, I hurt my back. It's been a pain, but I've dealt with it.
Then, late last week (Thursday), my lower right leg and foot begin to hurt. I'm thinking "Great, now what?" Well, Friday morning I awake to a nicely swollen foot with extreme pain in movement, let alone walking on it. So, that was great.
I decide to wrap it up with some Icy Hot, keep it elevated, and see how it was the next morning. Well, the next day being Saturday, the beginning of the college football season, I had planned on heading over to the folks place to catch the Gators playing Western Kentucky. At this point, the foot had eased off enough to where I could seemingly loosen it up by walking around a little, so I'm thinking it's just a sprain or strain or something. Anyway, I make it over to my folks place, and catch the game (49-3, thank you), and head back home.
I take it easy the rest of the day, wrap the foot up again and wait for Sunday. Boy, did Sunday take it's seemingly weekly vengeance on me. The foot was so swollen and red I thought I had broken it. At this point, I decide to give my old immobilization boot and crutches a try (I took them from my dad a couple years ago when I broke both my ankles). My mom brings 'em over, and I start using them.
At this point, I have not signed on with the idea of going to get the foot actually checked out. Call it stupidity, call it anxiety over what the problem was, call it whatever you folks were on me to go, but I just wasn't interested.
Monday comes, with absolutely no improvement. Even moving the foot in the boot while walking on crutches is excruciating. It's at this time that I decide I will need to cancel my trip to upsetting decision, to say the least. I was looking so forward to this trip, that I'm just depressed thinking about it.
Anyway, Tuesday comes, no improvement. Wednesday comes, no improvement. Now, I'm inclined to agree with my folks that I need to get this checked out. So, my mom is kind enough to drive me up to the Urgent Care Center near my apartment. I'd been there before when I was super sick a few months back (check the blog).
So I get in the examination room, and the doc proceeds to press down on various parts of my ankle and foot. Some feel fine, some make me wanna punch her in the face. So, the decision is made to head over to Fair Oaks Hospital to check for:
1. A blood clot...this I do not want.
2. An infection...this I would like, because medicine would knock it out.
3. Uric acid level, as I have a history of gout. Never in this area though.
So, we hit Fair Oaks, do the tests (surprisingly fast, I might add) and head back to the Urgent Care. By the time we get back, the doc has my results, and says that there is no clot (hooray), there looks to be some kind of infection (boo) AND a high uric acid level, so it's probably gout too. So great, I hit the daily double it seems.
The doc gives me some meds for pain that I had never taken before...hydrocodone. I remember back in the day my dad taking this for something, and it kinda messed him up. Well, I'm my dad's son, because it messed me up as well...mood swings just by myself, talking to myself, slamming things around. Not the best way to be behaving, really, and completely unlike how I normally act.
I had wanted to head back to work today, as I have a couple things I want to get done. Well, I figure that I should probably use my "get out of jail" card that the doctor gave me, saying not to go back to work until Monday. Hopefully, that gives this...whatever it is time to heal and go the hell away. I'd like to be able to walk again, thank you very much.
First, as I mentioned in my last post, I hurt my back. It's been a pain, but I've dealt with it.
Then, late last week (Thursday), my lower right leg and foot begin to hurt. I'm thinking "Great, now what?" Well, Friday morning I awake to a nicely swollen foot with extreme pain in movement, let alone walking on it. So, that was great.
I decide to wrap it up with some Icy Hot, keep it elevated, and see how it was the next morning. Well, the next day being Saturday, the beginning of the college football season, I had planned on heading over to the folks place to catch the Gators playing Western Kentucky. At this point, the foot had eased off enough to where I could seemingly loosen it up by walking around a little, so I'm thinking it's just a sprain or strain or something. Anyway, I make it over to my folks place, and catch the game (49-3, thank you), and head back home.
I take it easy the rest of the day, wrap the foot up again and wait for Sunday. Boy, did Sunday take it's seemingly weekly vengeance on me. The foot was so swollen and red I thought I had broken it. At this point, I decide to give my old immobilization boot and crutches a try (I took them from my dad a couple years ago when I broke both my ankles). My mom brings 'em over, and I start using them.
At this point, I have not signed on with the idea of going to get the foot actually checked out. Call it stupidity, call it anxiety over what the problem was, call it whatever you folks were on me to go, but I just wasn't interested.
Monday comes, with absolutely no improvement. Even moving the foot in the boot while walking on crutches is excruciating. It's at this time that I decide I will need to cancel my trip to upsetting decision, to say the least. I was looking so forward to this trip, that I'm just depressed thinking about it.
Anyway, Tuesday comes, no improvement. Wednesday comes, no improvement. Now, I'm inclined to agree with my folks that I need to get this checked out. So, my mom is kind enough to drive me up to the Urgent Care Center near my apartment. I'd been there before when I was super sick a few months back (check the blog).
So I get in the examination room, and the doc proceeds to press down on various parts of my ankle and foot. Some feel fine, some make me wanna punch her in the face. So, the decision is made to head over to Fair Oaks Hospital to check for:
1. A blood clot...this I do not want.
2. An infection...this I would like, because medicine would knock it out.
3. Uric acid level, as I have a history of gout. Never in this area though.
So, we hit Fair Oaks, do the tests (surprisingly fast, I might add) and head back to the Urgent Care. By the time we get back, the doc has my results, and says that there is no clot (hooray), there looks to be some kind of infection (boo) AND a high uric acid level, so it's probably gout too. So great, I hit the daily double it seems.
The doc gives me some meds for pain that I had never taken before...hydrocodone. I remember back in the day my dad taking this for something, and it kinda messed him up. Well, I'm my dad's son, because it messed me up as well...mood swings just by myself, talking to myself, slamming things around. Not the best way to be behaving, really, and completely unlike how I normally act.
I had wanted to head back to work today, as I have a couple things I want to get done. Well, I figure that I should probably use my "get out of jail" card that the doctor gave me, saying not to go back to work until Monday. Hopefully, that gives this...whatever it is time to heal and go the hell away. I'd like to be able to walk again, thank you very much.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Guitar Hero...for reals, yo

So, I got my guitar this week (Monday, to be precise). Ever since, I've been playing around with it, trying out some tabs of my favorite songs just to see how far I have to go.
So, today after work, I decided to go get an actual tuner for the guitar. While at Guitar Center, I also picked up an effects pad, the DigiTech RP80. It's pretty sweet...lots of effects, and even some drum samples to keep beat with. The tuner also told me that my tuning was WAY off, so my guitar sounds much better now, so that was a wise $20 investment.
As far as my back is concerned, it's still hurting. It was doing better mid-week, and I thought I was close to being in the clear. Then, Thursday I wake up and can hardly move. Not good times...since then, it's gotten relatively better, but still hurting.
Anyway, that's been my week. I did buy Bioshock, and plan to get to it at some point over the weekend...but the guitar has taken all my free time.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Achy Breaky Back

So, another weekend, another hurt...this time physical.
I decided I wanted to move my living room around to make better use of what space I have. Now, I had been offered assistance in this endeavor, and in hindsight it would have been good to call up on that offer.
I awoke yesterday (Saturday) morning fairly early...I wanted to get up at 9 to buy my game ticket for the Jaguars season opener, as it was the last transaction I needed to finish in prep for my Florida trip in a few weeks. After purchasing my ticket, I decided to go do a couple errands.
One of those errands was to go purchase a pair of swim trunks, for next weekend's whitewater tubing ride for my friend's birthday. Not exactly my cup o' tea, but I was going to make the most of it. I even learned my first song on the guitar...Happy Birthday. Hopefully Warner won't sue me for that one.
Anyway, I get home and decide to go ahead and make a go at moving my furniture around. Well, my back had other thoughts, and neglected to let me in on them until it was far too late. I have a big box of movies in my living room, and wanted to move it out of the way. So, foolishly, I bend over to pick it up, attempt to stand straight and BOOM. Searing pain, wobbly legs and whole lotta yelling. Not good times.
So, this weekend has been a big pain...quite literally. I'm not looking forward to this coming week. I was able to take enough pain medication to get myself to CVS and purchase some Icy Hot and Thermacare back patches, so I can at least get to work.
Last time I had back pain like this, it stuck around for a few weeks. I'm hoping that's not the case this time around, but I'm not optimistic...
So, how was your weekend?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday Gloomy Sunday

Let me preface this post by saying I don't usually talk about this kind of stuff openly. I'm just pretty upset right now, and thought this actually writing about it might help.
So, this weekend started off well enough on Saturday, then took a turn for the worse Sunday.
First, the good some good gaming in with my best friend. Played some GRAW 2 co-op for the first time, which was nice, and got some time in with Mario Strikers on the Wii. That was fun, and good times were had by all.
Sunday started off innocently enough...I was planning on re-arranging my living room setup to better facilitate the home theater aspect. So, as I'm making preps for that, I get a call. It's from an old friend who had visited a few weeks back. Now, I wouldn't classify her as an old "girlfriend", but more as an old "friend with benefits"...but still, a good friend that I've known going on a decade.
Anyway, a few weeks back, she had come into town for some business (she currently lives in Buffalo), and we got together. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, and it was fun to get back together with her. Now, we went out to some place in Alexandria (I forget the name) and met up with another friend of hers whom she hadn't seen in awhile. This girl was a cutie too, but whatever...I digress. Anyway, drinks were had by all (yes, even me), and the night moved on.
So, at the end of the night, my friend and I wound up back at my place. She has a couple more beers, and, long story short (too late), we wind up making out...which was cool. She spends most of the night, but has to get up early the next morning to get back to the hotel she was staying at. So I give her a ride back, and everything seems to be cool. No awkwardness that could be expected. I think things just happened, and that was that.
So, to yesterday. I get a call from her mid-afternoon, and she seems upset about something. She tells me that she's in a serious relationship at home, and apparently was in it when she came down here (of which I had no idea). Seems the events of her visit came out to her current dude recently, and he was less then excited to hear it. So, in the end, she decided to call me up and say that she wants to make her relationship work, and what happened was a "mistake", and we should probably stop talking...pretty much forever.
So, in the end, seems I've lost (what I thought was) a pretty good friend. Also found out that she cheated on him with me, which I really don't like finding out. Not exactly a great way for a weekend to go...
Monday, August 6, 2007
The Trip: Planning Stage

So, I've decided to take a trip. Seeing as I am quite the Florida Gators/Jacksonville Jaguars fan, and given that their respective football seasons are set to start post haste, I am going down to American's Wang to catch a weekend of fun.
The big news of this trip is that I'm actually flying down, flying. Yikes...but, I decided it was the best choice to get down there. So, if something happens, this is the post you can point to where my life took a turn for the worse.
I will be flying down 9/6, visiting with family 9/7, driving to Gainesville for Florida v. Troy 9/8, attending the Jaguars season opener against Tennessee 9/9, and flying back home 9/10.
So, now that you know my itinerary, if you happen to be in the area that weekend, look me up...unless you're stalking me. Which you must be, because why else would you be in the exact place I am? Leave me alone, before I have to get another restraining order. I mean it...screw Flanders.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Long time, no see...

Hey folks, what's new? Seeing as it's been a few weeks since my last update, I figured I'd pop out a little entry to catch people up.
About a two and a half weeks ago I got a call from a recruiter about some Linux admin job. I went and interviewed, to find out the job was with Bad news, it's a shift position, with weekend hours. No thanks...Since then, I've gotten a couple calls and e-mails from other companies, but no real "must take" positions.
Today, though, my big boss, Joe, asked me to come see him in his office. He asked how I was doing, and whether I had any issues around the office or whatever. Turns out another contract within my company found my resume on, and wants to talk to me about a position with he wondered why I had recently updated my info on that site.
Anyway, I went over my one real issue (our contract runs out soon, and I have concern about the re-compete), and said that I had no other problems. I did, however, mention I would like to talk to these other people. I think I owe it to myself to at least hear out anyone who wants to speak with me, right? So, we'll see what happens with that...
So, what else...movies.
Since my last post, I've seen a couple big ones. First off, the new Harry Potter was pretty good. Started kinda slow for my taste, but really picked up in the middle and end, and made for good entertainment. I had one issue (invisible dragon cart creatures), which was helpfully explained to me by someone who had read the book, and knew the reasoning.
Last weekend, I went and saw The Simpsons Movie, which was plain hilarious. Anyone who has ever considered themselves a Simpsons fan absolutely has to watch this, even if you don't like the newer seasons. I don't, but I loved this movie. I can't say enough good things about it...go see it now. Then go see it again.
On the gaming front, I've picked up Guitar Hero 2 again on my 360. Some of those songs on hard are damn near impossible, and expert is actually impossible at the moment. I'll keep trying, though, and am determined to conquer that game. Which leads me to my next thought...
So, I've decided to take up the guitar. Partly because of the influence of GH2 and how much I can't resist that game, but mostly because I've wanted to learn it for a long time now. I ordered a nice Les Paul model from Guitar Center (pictured), and will get busy working with that whenever it gets delivered. If I ever get good enough to actually let other people hear me, I'll be sure to post MP3s in this space...perhaps BJ Music Co. will live again!!
I suppose that's it for now. I'd say I'll try and post more frequently, but...ya know, there's that whole slacker thing.
So, until next time, screw Flanders.
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