Let me preface this post by saying I don't usually talk about this kind of stuff openly. I'm just pretty upset right now, and thought this actually writing about it might help.
So, this weekend started off well enough on Saturday, then took a turn for the worse Sunday.
First, the good part...got some good gaming in with my best friend. Played some GRAW 2 co-op for the first time, which was nice, and got some time in with Mario Strikers on the Wii. That was fun, and good times were had by all.
Sunday started off innocently enough...I was planning on re-arranging my living room setup to better facilitate the home theater aspect. So, as I'm making preps for that, I get a call. It's from an old friend who had visited a few weeks back. Now, I wouldn't classify her as an old "girlfriend", but more as an old "friend with benefits"...but still, a good friend that I've known going on a decade.
Anyway, a few weeks back, she had come into town for some business (she currently lives in Buffalo), and we got together. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, and it was fun to get back together with her. Now, we went out to some place in Alexandria (I forget the name) and met up with another friend of hers whom she hadn't seen in awhile. This girl was a cutie too, but whatever...I digress. Anyway, drinks were had by all (yes, even me), and the night moved on.
So, at the end of the night, my friend and I wound up back at my place. She has a couple more beers, and, long story short (too late), we wind up making out...which was cool. She spends most of the night, but has to get up early the next morning to get back to the hotel she was staying at. So I give her a ride back, and everything seems to be cool. No awkwardness that could be expected. I think things just happened, and that was that.
So, to yesterday. I get a call from her mid-afternoon, and she seems upset about something. She tells me that she's in a serious relationship at home, and apparently was in it when she came down here (of which I had no idea). Seems the events of her visit came out to her current dude recently, and he was less then excited to hear it. So, in the end, she decided to call me up and say that she wants to make her relationship work, and what happened was a "mistake", and we should probably stop talking...pretty much forever.
So, in the end, seems I've lost (what I thought was) a pretty good friend. Also found out that she cheated on him with me, which I really don't like finding out. Not exactly a great way for a weekend to go...
well, you know I'd like to kick her butt just for treating you like that :D but really, I'm sorry. Losing a friend, no matter how, just sucks. You know I love you!!
Harsh dude, sorry to hear that. Alcohol and cheating whores ruin relationships! You should try and talk to her one more time and ask her for the number of her cutie friend.
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