Monday, July 7, 2008

Keep on keepin' on...

Hello again out there in the intarwebs...

So, I figured it was time for an update, as it's been over a month since my last posting.

It has been a fairly eventful time. I moved into a new apartment, and in the process acquired a roommate for the first time. She has a cat, so this is a bunch of firsts. So far, so good...even if she constantly asks if she's annoying me ;)

This past weekend, we hosted a 4th of July party, and it went pretty well. Grilled some burgers and hot dogs, played some Wii and watched the fireworks show from the country club across the street. Good times had by all.

My nieces visited up here last week, so it was good to see them. I'm afraid my oldest niece's thumbs will fall off from all the texting she does on her new cell phone, but that's for her to figure out.

It hasn't all been good since my last update. My girlfriend and I broke was just figured that we weren't in a position to have a real relationship. It was an amicable break up for the most part, and we're still good friends. It was tough on me for awhile, because she's really great...but I'm feeling okay about it now, and am ready to move on towards the future.

Back to some good stuff...I was able to get some tickets for the midnight premiere showing of The Dark Knight at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum's IMAX theater. That's gonna be hot...can't wait for that. Batman is, plain and simple, the best superhero ever, and don't let anyone tell you different. Early reviews have been outstanding, and I expect it to be a fantastic movie.

Football is almost here! I'm really looking forward to this season, as both the Gators and Jaguars are looking good for the upcoming campaign. The Jags play a preseason game up here in Washington, so I'll be going to that one. They also play their final game of the season in Baltimore, and I'll try to get up to that one as well.

Guess that's about it for now...if I think of something else, I'll be sure to post about it in another month.

Until next time, screw Flanders.