Monday, May 5, 2008

RE: The Life of Bryan

Time for my apparently monthly update...

My girlfriend and I went to Constitution Hall Friday night to check out Eddie Izzard. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Well worth the search for tickets. I'm real happy I was able to go with my favorite girl, as we're both fans of his.

The standup act was just part of the day we spent together. We also went and checked out Potomac Mills for a bit. It was really nice to be able to spend that time with her, as it was the first extended chunk of time we've been able to be together. I really enjoyed it, and I hope for more of that in the near future.

So, on to some not as good back has started giving me issues again. After some urging from my girlfriend, I've got an appointment for this morning with my doc. Hopefully it's just a case of needing rest and whatever.

I'm in the process of packing for my move next month. Luckily, most of my stuff is already in ready-to-move bins and boxes, so there won't be much to it. So that's nice. I've never had a roommate, or a pet in my that will be a new experience for me.

I guess that's all I've got for now...until next time, screw Flanders.

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