So, I knew I couldn't go too long without medical problems. It had been far too long since I had some pain somewhere, so here we go.
As I said in my last post, I've screwed my back up again. The theory (well, not so much theory as fact) is that it got screwed up, this time, in helping my parents move into their new place. Now, I had been able to deal with it until last weekend, when I did a good deal more walking around then I normally do. That also got my girlfriend's attention, and she convinced me to get an appointment with my doctor. So, I got in there last Monday.
In the end, the doc said we would try medicating it to begin with. She poked and prodded and tried very hard to make it hurt very badly...and was only mildly successful. Poking and prodding did not hurt, but when she had me lay back and lift my left leg, my nerves told me, in no uncertain terms, "Do not do that again."
Anyway, it's likely a pinched nerve or muscle issue or something...the doc gave me a muscle relaxer, an anti-inflammatory, some Vicodin, and to top it all off, blood pressure medicine. I'm a walking medicine cabinet these days...The good news is, the meds seem to be working. I'm actually able to sleep through the night now, whereas before I was woken up pretty much anytime I tried to move. Progress...
In other news, my Marlins are looking good so far this season. 1st place in the NL East at the almost quarter-season mark. People continue to want to write them off, and it's true that they haven't played the hardest schedule so far, but ya gotsta have faith, babeh!!
That's really all I got for now, I guess...so, until next time, screw Flanders.
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