Saturday, December 29, 2007

Xmas 07 - Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Xmas

So, Xmas was this past Tuesday. For my family, it was held at my folks' place, which is pretty convenient for me, since I live pretty close. We had been congregating down in Williamsburg the last few years, which was nice, but this was pretty good too.

Xmas Eve, an old tradition was re-birthed, and a possible new tradition was begun. In years past, my dad had put together a little game of clues, where everyone got a clue and had to figure out what it meant. Upon discovery of the meaning, they would find a gift at the destination. We did this again this year, and everyone had a good time with it.

We also did something new...a "secret santa" gift exchange. This was an idea by my nieces where everyone had drawn names and had to make something for the person whose names they got. I got my oldest niece, and since she's into music in a big way, I made her a bracelet out of guitar picks. She seemed to enjoy it. My brother-in-law got my name, and helped me re-arrange my apartment (hang shelves, move furniture around, etc.) That was much appreciated, and it looks great now.

My nieces spent Xmas Eve at my place, since the space was needed to set everything up for Xmas morning. We stayed up until roughly 3 am playing some Rock Band. My bro-in-law also stuck around for awhile, and joined in the playing for a bit. I'm usually pretty good with the guitar, but I was having issues with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard from his "singing" But, it was good times.

Xmas morning comes, and the three of us head over to my parents' house, after a quick stop at McDs to pick up breakfast. On arrival, my nieces were glued to seats in the kitchen while final prep was finished. They got a little impatient, understandably...we actually had the latest start to Xmas that I can remember.

Anyway, once things got under way, everyone seemed to enjoy what they got. I received a pretty nice watch from my folks, as well as a nice brown overcoat. I got a nice Gators fleece jacket from my grandmother, Scrubs season 1 (great show BTW), cash money, and many other great things.

My parents had mentioned, leading up to Xmas, that they were interested in getting themselves a Wii. Perfect gift idea, I thought. It would have been even more perfect had I been able to locate one in a store. Resorting to eBay, I was able to get them one, and they were happy to get it.

See, the bad thing at this point is that I seem to have developed this reputation as a great gift giver...the issue is, I don't really care about spending money, so I like to get people things that I know they will love, and that usually costs somewhat high dollar signs. I will have to work myself out of this habit, especially if I ever have kids of my own...I'll go flat broke.

Anyway, that's the rundown of Xmas 07 - jaxjaggywires style. Hope everyone out there had a good, safe holiday season this year. Until next time...screw Flanders.

P.S. On the diet front, I have now passed 40 pounds lost...hooray for me. OK, that's all I've got for now...

1 comment:

krcrafts said...

What? No mention of your favorite sister?? Just where did you get that awesome idea for that guitar pick bracelet?? :)

I really, really enjoyed Christmas with you and hope you come see us soon!!!

Congrats on the amazing weight loss!! I'm so proud of you!!!

Love you!!