As expected, this was a GRAW 2 kind of week. I was able to finish the single player campaign on 'Elevated Risk'. There's still one more level higher to finish the game at, so I may attempt that as well. My impressions:
- Terrific visuals. A little more blurring then I would maybe like, but overall the game has a very good look to it.
- Nice action. Much like the first game, this time around there's plenty of firefights to get your teammates and yourself through.
- Blackhawk machine gun. This was my nemesis in the first game, as I would constantly be killed right as my gun started overheating. It was much easier going this time around.
- Length. I actually said to myself "That's it?" when the credits started to roll. I guess I was surprised at the ease with which I was able to finish the final group of tasks. At least in the first game, the final boss had tons of baddies coming at me from all sides.
- Story. You'd think a Tom Clancy game would have a decent story, but alas, you'd be wrong.
I still have yet to try out the multiplayer, so I will post impressions of that whenever I get around to it.
I also played some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on XBLA. The game was just like I remembered it back from my arcade days. Only this time, there was no constant begging for quarters from the nearest passerby.
This week, the new game on XBLA is Castlevania, which should be very good. I will definitely be picking that up when it comes out Wednesday.
What are you playing? Let me know if there's some game out there that I'm totally missing out on.
Definately agree on all things GRAW. We still need to check out the co-op campaign tho.
Hopefully I can check out the other clancy game this week, and you and your klan can kick my ass.
I've been playing Ticket to Ride. The US game is getting kind of dull, so I'm slowly learning how to make the longest route in Europe. I even won the map once. I should arrange a meet on-line with you guys some weekend. You dig strategy board games, right? This one goes by pretty fast. If you take too long, people yell at you in German.
I don't think I've beaten a game since We Heart Katamari, so my new goal in life is to finish something more substantial than a Sam and Max chapter. I tried picking up Okami again, but the unskippable text scenes made me put it back down. So I bought Chulip today, only to discover that it suffers from even more backwards Japanese game design choices.
I'm kind of tempted to reinstall Oblivion and just do the main quest without ever levelling up.
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