That's right...I'm still around. I'd say I will try and update this blog more frequently (that is to say, at all), but I think we all know that won't be the case.
Anyway, I will try and update this blog more frequently ;)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Keep on keepin' on...
Hello again out there in the intarwebs...
So, I figured it was time for an update, as it's been over a month since my last posting.
It has been a fairly eventful time. I moved into a new apartment, and in the process acquired a roommate for the first time. She has a cat, so this is a bunch of firsts. So far, so good...even if she constantly asks if she's annoying me ;)
This past weekend, we hosted a 4th of July party, and it went pretty well. Grilled some burgers and hot dogs, played some Wii and watched the fireworks show from the country club across the street. Good times had by all.
My nieces visited up here last week, so it was good to see them. I'm afraid my oldest niece's thumbs will fall off from all the texting she does on her new cell phone, but that's for her to figure out.
It hasn't all been good since my last update. My girlfriend and I broke was just figured that we weren't in a position to have a real relationship. It was an amicable break up for the most part, and we're still good friends. It was tough on me for awhile, because she's really great...but I'm feeling okay about it now, and am ready to move on towards the future.
Back to some good stuff...I was able to get some tickets for the midnight premiere showing of The Dark Knight at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum's IMAX theater. That's gonna be hot...can't wait for that. Batman is, plain and simple, the best superhero ever, and don't let anyone tell you different. Early reviews have been outstanding, and I expect it to be a fantastic movie.
Football is almost here! I'm really looking forward to this season, as both the Gators and Jaguars are looking good for the upcoming campaign. The Jags play a preseason game up here in Washington, so I'll be going to that one. They also play their final game of the season in Baltimore, and I'll try to get up to that one as well.
Guess that's about it for now...if I think of something else, I'll be sure to post about it in another month.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
So, I figured it was time for an update, as it's been over a month since my last posting.
It has been a fairly eventful time. I moved into a new apartment, and in the process acquired a roommate for the first time. She has a cat, so this is a bunch of firsts. So far, so good...even if she constantly asks if she's annoying me ;)
This past weekend, we hosted a 4th of July party, and it went pretty well. Grilled some burgers and hot dogs, played some Wii and watched the fireworks show from the country club across the street. Good times had by all.
My nieces visited up here last week, so it was good to see them. I'm afraid my oldest niece's thumbs will fall off from all the texting she does on her new cell phone, but that's for her to figure out.
It hasn't all been good since my last update. My girlfriend and I broke was just figured that we weren't in a position to have a real relationship. It was an amicable break up for the most part, and we're still good friends. It was tough on me for awhile, because she's really great...but I'm feeling okay about it now, and am ready to move on towards the future.
Back to some good stuff...I was able to get some tickets for the midnight premiere showing of The Dark Knight at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum's IMAX theater. That's gonna be hot...can't wait for that. Batman is, plain and simple, the best superhero ever, and don't let anyone tell you different. Early reviews have been outstanding, and I expect it to be a fantastic movie.
Football is almost here! I'm really looking forward to this season, as both the Gators and Jaguars are looking good for the upcoming campaign. The Jags play a preseason game up here in Washington, so I'll be going to that one. They also play their final game of the season in Baltimore, and I'll try to get up to that one as well.
Guess that's about it for now...if I think of something else, I'll be sure to post about it in another month.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Vera Lee Baker (1919 - 2008)
Wednesday, May 14, my grandmother passed away in Orange Park, FL, at the age of 88. Her friends called her Vera, her children called her sister and I called her Grandma Bill. The story behind that? Her father called her Bill, and her sister Till (actual name was Luatha). Why he did that? I'm not sure, but I'll check on that one and update when I find out.
She was your standard southern grandmother...loved to cook. Had a house outside Orlando, FL, in a small town called Ocoee. It would get intensely hot, especially back in the kitchen when the cooking was going on (which was pretty much at all times). The only air conditioning to be had in the place was in her bedroom, so that's where I would hide out between meals when I was visiting.
She and my grandfather were separated when my father was a teenager. Times were tough back dad was able to get away from it and go on to develop the life he has led since (he was the good one, it seems).
Regrettably, I was not able to see Grandma Bill prior to her passing. I was going to go visit with her while I was in town last fall, but, of course, I was unable to make that trip.
In recent years, her health had begun to deteriorate. She and my great aunt were moved from Ocoee to a nursing home in Orange Park (on the outskirts of Jacksonville), almost a decade ago. This was a good move, as it moved her closer to family (my aunt and much of her family lives in Orange Park), and it also provided assistance in areas where it was needed for everyday living. It was not a popular move to some, but it was the proper one. She never was able to get used to the food that they served there, but, after eating like she had all her life, you can't blame her.
On the subject of food, she always hated cheese...I thought that was the oddest thing. Seems she had cottage cheese once, absolutely hated it, and figured all cheese tasted like that. You couldn't get her to eat cheese at all...go figure.
In her waning years, she suffered from memory problems. She would forget people's names and whatnot. She never seemed to forget mine though...somehow she would know who I was when I walked in (well, I do think she thought I was my dad once, but other then that...). I was her only grandson, so that probably helped...
So, we all met up down in Florida this past weekend to pay our last respects. She lived a long life, and made it through various health problems in her life to get to 88. I can probably only hope to make it that long...
Goodbye, Grandma Bill...we'll miss you.
She was your standard southern grandmother...loved to cook. Had a house outside Orlando, FL, in a small town called Ocoee. It would get intensely hot, especially back in the kitchen when the cooking was going on (which was pretty much at all times). The only air conditioning to be had in the place was in her bedroom, so that's where I would hide out between meals when I was visiting.
She and my grandfather were separated when my father was a teenager. Times were tough back dad was able to get away from it and go on to develop the life he has led since (he was the good one, it seems).
Regrettably, I was not able to see Grandma Bill prior to her passing. I was going to go visit with her while I was in town last fall, but, of course, I was unable to make that trip.
In recent years, her health had begun to deteriorate. She and my great aunt were moved from Ocoee to a nursing home in Orange Park (on the outskirts of Jacksonville), almost a decade ago. This was a good move, as it moved her closer to family (my aunt and much of her family lives in Orange Park), and it also provided assistance in areas where it was needed for everyday living. It was not a popular move to some, but it was the proper one. She never was able to get used to the food that they served there, but, after eating like she had all her life, you can't blame her.
On the subject of food, she always hated cheese...I thought that was the oddest thing. Seems she had cottage cheese once, absolutely hated it, and figured all cheese tasted like that. You couldn't get her to eat cheese at all...go figure.
In her waning years, she suffered from memory problems. She would forget people's names and whatnot. She never seemed to forget mine though...somehow she would know who I was when I walked in (well, I do think she thought I was my dad once, but other then that...). I was her only grandson, so that probably helped...
So, we all met up down in Florida this past weekend to pay our last respects. She lived a long life, and made it through various health problems in her life to get to 88. I can probably only hope to make it that long...
Goodbye, Grandma Bill...we'll miss you.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Achy Breaky Back: Reprise

So, I knew I couldn't go too long without medical problems. It had been far too long since I had some pain somewhere, so here we go.
As I said in my last post, I've screwed my back up again. The theory (well, not so much theory as fact) is that it got screwed up, this time, in helping my parents move into their new place. Now, I had been able to deal with it until last weekend, when I did a good deal more walking around then I normally do. That also got my girlfriend's attention, and she convinced me to get an appointment with my doctor. So, I got in there last Monday.
In the end, the doc said we would try medicating it to begin with. She poked and prodded and tried very hard to make it hurt very badly...and was only mildly successful. Poking and prodding did not hurt, but when she had me lay back and lift my left leg, my nerves told me, in no uncertain terms, "Do not do that again."
Anyway, it's likely a pinched nerve or muscle issue or something...the doc gave me a muscle relaxer, an anti-inflammatory, some Vicodin, and to top it all off, blood pressure medicine. I'm a walking medicine cabinet these days...The good news is, the meds seem to be working. I'm actually able to sleep through the night now, whereas before I was woken up pretty much anytime I tried to move. Progress...
In other news, my Marlins are looking good so far this season. 1st place in the NL East at the almost quarter-season mark. People continue to want to write them off, and it's true that they haven't played the hardest schedule so far, but ya gotsta have faith, babeh!!
That's really all I got for now, I, until next time, screw Flanders.
Monday, May 5, 2008
RE: The Life of Bryan
Time for my apparently monthly update...
My girlfriend and I went to Constitution Hall Friday night to check out Eddie Izzard. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Well worth the search for tickets. I'm real happy I was able to go with my favorite girl, as we're both fans of his.
The standup act was just part of the day we spent together. We also went and checked out Potomac Mills for a bit. It was really nice to be able to spend that time with her, as it was the first extended chunk of time we've been able to be together. I really enjoyed it, and I hope for more of that in the near future.
So, on to some not as good back has started giving me issues again. After some urging from my girlfriend, I've got an appointment for this morning with my doc. Hopefully it's just a case of needing rest and whatever.
I'm in the process of packing for my move next month. Luckily, most of my stuff is already in ready-to-move bins and boxes, so there won't be much to it. So that's nice. I've never had a roommate, or a pet in my that will be a new experience for me.
I guess that's all I've got for now...until next time, screw Flanders.
My girlfriend and I went to Constitution Hall Friday night to check out Eddie Izzard. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Well worth the search for tickets. I'm real happy I was able to go with my favorite girl, as we're both fans of his.
The standup act was just part of the day we spent together. We also went and checked out Potomac Mills for a bit. It was really nice to be able to spend that time with her, as it was the first extended chunk of time we've been able to be together. I really enjoyed it, and I hope for more of that in the near future.
So, on to some not as good back has started giving me issues again. After some urging from my girlfriend, I've got an appointment for this morning with my doc. Hopefully it's just a case of needing rest and whatever.
I'm in the process of packing for my move next month. Luckily, most of my stuff is already in ready-to-move bins and boxes, so there won't be much to it. So that's nice. I've never had a roommate, or a pet in my that will be a new experience for me.
I guess that's all I've got for now...until next time, screw Flanders.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hey hey hey
So, I've let another month+ go by without a post...sorry. A good bit has happened, so I suppose it's a good time to catch people up.
My girlfriend and I are into month three together, and it's been terrific. I just wish I could see her more, but her work in theater has her hours less then ideal. I'm a patient guy, though, and she's worth waiting for.
In my last post, I mentioned my lease is up on my apartment. Well, the news there is, I'm moving to a bigger apartment, and adding a roommate in the process. Those details have been finalized over the past couple weeks. This will be a very good situation, financially, because it will allow me to save a good bit off rent and utilities and whatnot, so my money issues just might be almost over.
On the weight loss front, I've hit a bit of a wall recently. I'm not putting any weight back on, which is good, but I'm not really losing anymore, which is not as good. I just need to find the right combination of things to allow me to get back on that track.
Over the past couple weeks, I've been helping my parents move into a new place. My back has been paying the price for that assistance, but I'm glad to help them out however I can. I've just gotten to popping Aleve again, but it's getting sister and her family are coming up tomorrow to help finish the moving in, and then it will be done.
Onto work...I got a pretty decent raise last week. At least, better then I was that's nice. Every bit helps, ya know? However, I've found myself having issues concentrating at work...I need to monitor that, and try to figure out a way to correct it.
I guess that's it...I've hardly played any games or anything like that in the last month, so there's nothing to really talk about there.
Until next time, screw Flanders...
My girlfriend and I are into month three together, and it's been terrific. I just wish I could see her more, but her work in theater has her hours less then ideal. I'm a patient guy, though, and she's worth waiting for.
In my last post, I mentioned my lease is up on my apartment. Well, the news there is, I'm moving to a bigger apartment, and adding a roommate in the process. Those details have been finalized over the past couple weeks. This will be a very good situation, financially, because it will allow me to save a good bit off rent and utilities and whatnot, so my money issues just might be almost over.
On the weight loss front, I've hit a bit of a wall recently. I'm not putting any weight back on, which is good, but I'm not really losing anymore, which is not as good. I just need to find the right combination of things to allow me to get back on that track.
Over the past couple weeks, I've been helping my parents move into a new place. My back has been paying the price for that assistance, but I'm glad to help them out however I can. I've just gotten to popping Aleve again, but it's getting sister and her family are coming up tomorrow to help finish the moving in, and then it will be done.
Onto work...I got a pretty decent raise last week. At least, better then I was that's nice. Every bit helps, ya know? However, I've found myself having issues concentrating at work...I need to monitor that, and try to figure out a way to correct it.
I guess that's it...I've hardly played any games or anything like that in the last month, so there's nothing to really talk about there.
Until next time, screw Flanders...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
He lives...
So, it's been awhile (again) since my last post. It's not that I intentionally ignore this's just that I'm an especially lazy person.
Anyway, what's been happening since I've been away? I guess the big news is, I've started seeing somebody. Let me just say...she's awesome. We met online...which is something that I never thought I would do. I was always kinda leery about trying to meet people that way, but I've gotten over that real quick if I can meet people like her.
On the family front, my parents are having to move from their place, as the owner is looking to sell it before the housing prices go down even further around here. So, I'll be helping them out with that for awhile...
The lease for my apartment is up next month. Hard to believe it's been a year already, but it has been...I have a decision to make. Do I stay here and remain alone in my swingin' bachelor pad, or do I move and take on a roommate? That option has kinda been opened to me, and I'm being swayed by the rent cut, to be honest. I mean, I would be roomies with one of my best friends, which would be nice too, but that money is really calling out to me pretty loud. I'll have to see how that plays out...
As far as gaming goes, aside from Guitar Hero and Rock Band, there hasn't been much. I broke into Call of Duty 4 finally, and got through a few levels of that. Otherwise, there hasn't been a whole lotta gaming recently.
The job is pretty much the same as it has been. I've updated my resume on, and have received some interest, but nothing that made me jump up and move on from where I am now. I'm open to new opportunities, but it's not like I absolutely have to leave, ya know?
Guess that's about it...maybe it won't take so long for me to make my next post.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Anyway, what's been happening since I've been away? I guess the big news is, I've started seeing somebody. Let me just say...she's awesome. We met online...which is something that I never thought I would do. I was always kinda leery about trying to meet people that way, but I've gotten over that real quick if I can meet people like her.
On the family front, my parents are having to move from their place, as the owner is looking to sell it before the housing prices go down even further around here. So, I'll be helping them out with that for awhile...
The lease for my apartment is up next month. Hard to believe it's been a year already, but it has been...I have a decision to make. Do I stay here and remain alone in my swingin' bachelor pad, or do I move and take on a roommate? That option has kinda been opened to me, and I'm being swayed by the rent cut, to be honest. I mean, I would be roomies with one of my best friends, which would be nice too, but that money is really calling out to me pretty loud. I'll have to see how that plays out...
As far as gaming goes, aside from Guitar Hero and Rock Band, there hasn't been much. I broke into Call of Duty 4 finally, and got through a few levels of that. Otherwise, there hasn't been a whole lotta gaming recently.
The job is pretty much the same as it has been. I've updated my resume on, and have received some interest, but nothing that made me jump up and move on from where I am now. I'm open to new opportunities, but it's not like I absolutely have to leave, ya know?
Guess that's about it...maybe it won't take so long for me to make my next post.
Until next time, screw Flanders.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
2007: A Year in Review
So, I have yet to review the events of 2007. Let's take a quick look back, shall we?
In the course of the year 2007, I:
- moved into a new apartment.
- got a new car (swanky convertible, no less)
- started on a successful weight loss track.
- created new friendships, and further developed existing ones.
- decided to lose the glasses in favor of contact lenses.
- took up the guitar.
- got a promotion at work.
- started going out more, hanging out with friends and colleagues throughout the year.
It was a pretty big year of change for me. Will 2008 hold the same amount of new things? It will be pretty hard to measure up, but we'll see what the new year holds...
In the course of the year 2007, I:
- moved into a new apartment.
- got a new car (swanky convertible, no less)
- started on a successful weight loss track.
- created new friendships, and further developed existing ones.
- decided to lose the glasses in favor of contact lenses.
- took up the guitar.
- got a promotion at work.
- started going out more, hanging out with friends and colleagues throughout the year.
It was a pretty big year of change for me. Will 2008 hold the same amount of new things? It will be pretty hard to measure up, but we'll see what the new year holds...
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Story of Loss: 50 Pounds Gone
So, over this weekend, I hit a milestone in my journey of weight loss...50 pounds. I must say, I am pretty proud of myself in hitting this mark. It's not the end of the road, but it's definitely nice to hit that kind of number. I'm wearing clothes now that I haven't been able to wear in years, which is especially nice. I'm getting back close to my high school weight...
I have been getting some concern from a couple people re: my pretty rapid weight loss. Let me assure everyone reading, I am eating. I am just not eating near as much as I used to, and I have made dietary changes that have allowed me to hit this milestone. I appreciate the concern, and like the fact that people care enough to say these things, but I am not starving myself. I am just eating what I should be eating now...
Alright, enough of that...My Jags won over the weekend, so now they get to move on and play the undefeated Patriots Saturday night. Hopefully they can pull this one out...if they do, it will be the biggest victory in franchise history, and put them one win away from the Super Bowl.
Guess that's about all I have to say right now, so until next time...screw Flanders.
I have been getting some concern from a couple people re: my pretty rapid weight loss. Let me assure everyone reading, I am eating. I am just not eating near as much as I used to, and I have made dietary changes that have allowed me to hit this milestone. I appreciate the concern, and like the fact that people care enough to say these things, but I am not starving myself. I am just eating what I should be eating now...
Alright, enough of that...My Jags won over the weekend, so now they get to move on and play the undefeated Patriots Saturday night. Hopefully they can pull this one out...if they do, it will be the biggest victory in franchise history, and put them one win away from the Super Bowl.
Guess that's about all I have to say right now, so until next time...screw Flanders.
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