Hey folks, what's new? Seeing as it's been a few weeks since my last update, I figured I'd pop out a little entry to catch people up.
About a two and a half weeks ago I got a call from a recruiter about some Linux admin job. I went and interviewed, to find out the job was with Amazon.com. Bad news, it's a shift position, with weekend hours. No thanks...Since then, I've gotten a couple calls and e-mails from other companies, but no real "must take" positions.
Today, though, my big boss, Joe, asked me to come see him in his office. He asked how I was doing, and whether I had any issues around the office or whatever. Turns out another contract within my company found my resume on Monster.com, and wants to talk to me about a position with them...so he wondered why I had recently updated my info on that site.
Anyway, I went over my one real issue (our contract runs out soon, and I have concern about the re-compete), and said that I had no other problems. I did, however, mention I would like to talk to these other people. I think I owe it to myself to at least hear out anyone who wants to speak with me, right? So, we'll see what happens with that...
So, what else...movies.
Since my last post, I've seen a couple big ones. First off, the new Harry Potter was pretty good. Started kinda slow for my taste, but really picked up in the middle and end, and made for good entertainment. I had one issue (invisible dragon cart creatures), which was helpfully explained to me by someone who had read the book, and knew the reasoning.
Last weekend, I went and saw The Simpsons Movie, which was plain hilarious. Anyone who has ever considered themselves a Simpsons fan absolutely has to watch this, even if you don't like the newer seasons. I don't, but I loved this movie. I can't say enough good things about it...go see it now. Then go see it again.
On the gaming front, I've picked up Guitar Hero 2 again on my 360. Some of those songs on hard are damn near impossible, and expert is actually impossible at the moment. I'll keep trying, though, and am determined to conquer that game. Which leads me to my next thought...
So, I've decided to take up the guitar. Partly because of the influence of GH2 and how much I can't resist that game, but mostly because I've wanted to learn it for a long time now. I ordered a nice Les Paul model from Guitar Center (pictured), and will get busy working with that whenever it gets delivered. If I ever get good enough to actually let other people hear me, I'll be sure to post MP3s in this space...perhaps BJ Music Co. will live again!!
I suppose that's it for now. I'd say I'll try and post more frequently, but...ya know, there's that whole slacker thing.
So, until next time, screw Flanders.