So, it's been awhile since I last posted. I have good reason, I promise...you see, I moved into a new apartment over the weekend, and I've been busy with all the crap that goes along with that.
Now, I was moving on Saturday, April 7, so I figured it shouldn't be too bad weatherwise to get everything done. That's why I'm not a meteorologist, I guess, as it snowed some the night before. While we in NoVA got just a little snow, apparently further down towards southern VA, they got much more. This is significant to the story, as my sister, brother-in-law and nieces live in Williamsburg, and were going to come up and help out with the moving and whatnot. So, it turns out that they can't make it up. So, that was disappointing.
So, pressing on down a few people, I pack up some stuff into my rented U-Haul truck, and go to the apartment complex to get my key. The woman who had rented the place to me was busy with some other customer, so this other rep showed me to my place (btw, she was quite good looking...just wanted to put that out there). So, we get to my door, and she tried the key, and it doesn't work. I'm thinking "Hmm...ominous sign". Somehow, they had the wrong keys associated with my new place, and had to call out the facilities guy to get a new set made. They were quite apologetic and whatever...I didn't really care, as I knew it would be taken care of at some point. Just a hassle more than anything else, especially since it was like 40 degrees outside.
So, I get my key, and the move officially begins...I get the stuff out of the truck and put into the apartment, and go back to my folks' house for more stuff. By this time, Jander had shown up to assist with the move. So, it takes us a little longer then I was expecting (with it being pretty much the two of us doing the moving), but we got done mid-afternoon.
So, I am now in my own place...I've been in "set up" mode since Saturday night, getting all my electronic stuff connected and working. I still have yet to break into my new set of cookware, or even plates for that matter...paper plates and plastic cutlery FTW!
When I get things a little cleaner and set up, I'll put up some pics...until then, screw Flanders.