28 years ago, the world became a much better place. A light began shining where there was once nothing but darkness and despair. That's right folks...28 years ago today, I was introduced to the world.
So, the birthday weekend was pretty nice to me. It started off on Saturday with a Gators romp over the Florida Atlantic Owls. Following that, I headed off to catch Kelly and Jen at a talent show they had a dance routine in. They were the lone bright spot, IMO. Afterward, the usual group gathered together at Tysons to get something to eat at Fridays and catch a movie.
Now, at Fridays, I was concerned, as Kelly told our waitress that it was my birthday. Instantly, thoughts of embarrassment and singing entered into my head, and I became afraid. Luckily, we talked the waitress into no singing, just the free dessert. So that was good.
Between eating and the movie, we decided to head out to the parking lot to throw the football around. We were having a good time, until the Mall Narc told us to stop. Enough with that noise, I say...why the man gotta bring us down, yo?
The movie was Beowulf, which I thought was pretty good. The CGI work was astoundingly good, I thought. Grendel was nasty, and there was far too much bare Beowulf behind, but it was still a good movie.
So, moving to today, the Jaguars won to move to 7-3. Hooray. After the game, my parents took me to Bonefish Grill, which was nice. I had never been there, and it was a pretty good place. Glad I wasn't paying, lemme tell ya...
The present haul was pretty sweet too...my friends and family rock. Got a couple games (Assassin's Creed and Mario Galaxy), the Spiderman Blu-ray set and a pretty sweet Jaguars jacket. Also got some cash from my grandmother, which is always welcome. I still have a gift coming from my sister, which should also be pretty sweet.
All in all, pretty nice birthday this time around. Dare I say, the best I've had in awhile. Good time with friends and family...
On a slightly different topic, I got an e-mail from Amazon.com telling me Rock Band has shipped...so I am giddy with anticipation. Giddy, I say! I should have it time for the Thanksgiving gathering, which should make for some interesting playing with my family and/or friends.
That's all I got for now...so until next time, screw Flanders.
P.S...Reggie Williams rocks.